
Showing posts from December, 2012

Unzip file in server using PHP ZipArchive

Once i wanted to upload WordPress folder which contains 1000's of files, if i choose to upload those files using FTP it will take much time.

Override magento controller

Modifying magento core file is not at all good idea. All core files that we have modified will be smashed while magento upgrade. Magento have a feature to keep our custom code in local(app/code/local) folder. Inside that folder we can keep our custom codes safely.

Delete single order in magento using SQL query

Here is the query to delete single order in magento. All we need to do is just replace 'xxxxxxxxx' with your order_id and run it in phpMyAdmin. It works fine in Magento 1.4.x and 1.7.x version. SET @orderId = 'XXXXXXXXX'; #replace this WITH your ORDER NUMBER SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; DELETE FROM sales_flat_order WHERE increment_id = @orderId; DELETE FROM sales_flat_quote WHERE reserved_order_id = @orderId;